Tina Brodén
February 12, 2018
Owner and trainer.
Tina started her career with horses as a 4yo. When she was 11yo she got her first own horse, a 15hh Danish warmblood mare. Since then she has trained, competed and owned many horses.
She studied horses at Forslunda gymnasium where she got to know Emma. After graduation she moved to Ireland to work with horses in a show jumping stable. She was in charge of the dressage training on all the show horses and also did a lot of ground work on the young horses. She competed at a couple of shows before moving back to Sweden. She spent a year working as a rider in a dressage stable, she mostly worked with breaking in the young horses and there first training.
She bought her first Morgan horses 2010. A 10 month old colt from Escania Morgans, 2011 Amberfields Dun Heartbeakin came to her for training and competition but after 3 years she bought him. 2012 Escanias Palomides was born and Tina had already booked him in utero. He was approved for breeding as a 4 yo and also got his diploma in jumping and conformation as a 4 yo. Tina has competed and trained in almost every discipline, show jumping, dressage, driving, cross country, fox hunt, trotting and western. She has always had a love for tricky horses (problem horses) and young horse and this last couple of years her main focus has been on colts and stallions.
Elin Stenlund
February 12, 2018
Groom and rider
Elin loved horses and animals as young but with a family with allergies riding was not an option. When the opportunity came to start riding icelandic horses, the answer was obviously yes. As a 13 year old girl, she finally started riding. She fell in love with the icelandic horses and continued to ride for about 4 years. There was everything from young horses to the stubborn old mare in their best of years. Elin competed nothing during the period because there was no interest for it at the time.
When her horses she rode moved away she met Tina, owner of two amazing stallions. The interest in big horses had grown more over the years. But should I be honest I had never heard about the breed morgan horses before. When Tina wrote and told me about her guys, I could not resist meeting her and the guys. I fell in love both in the boys but also in the breed. Now almost a year later I'm completely stuck, I just want to develop more and more together with Team Goldn Ash. There is much left to learn but there are no limits if you just want to.
February 12, 2018